Rich Flicks Video WordPress Theme

The Rich Flicks Theme

The original Adult Video WordPress Theme for embeds and self-hosted videos.

The modern and sidebar-less layout and design of the Rich Flicks Video WordPress Theme was deeply inspired by some of the largest adult entertainment websites on the internet. Keeping in mind that porn has been the forerunner in technology since VHS video cassettes, and that the industry is always the first to try out new technologies like 4k and 3D video. It is not a bad idea to analyze efficient design patterns from websites that receive millions of visitors per month. No matter if you are looking for a responsive WordPress Video theme for an adult oriented site or if you want to publish in a different content category althogether, the main design principles will always apply.

Getting a high number of video posts on the front page and granting access to featured and related content is key to ramping up page views and thus the overall success of your media venture.

To monetize your outreach, widget areas that carry all sorts of advertising integrations have been built into strategically valuable places throughout the layout. Besides that and you can always add in-video advertising using third party video player plugins or sell subscriptions via WooCommerce with its extended ecommerce capabilities.

Dealing with a large visitor base requires top notch performance. This WordPress video template has been developed for the single purpose of presenting your video and movie content to as many visitors you can reach. The code base is lean and the customizer panel was kept to the bare minimum.

The Rich Flicks theme is fully responsive and looks great on smart phones, tablets, and all the way up to large desktops screens. It is translation, Gutenberg, and WooCommerce ready and the official successor of our famous Video Hub theme.

ONLY $69.95 USD (Check our 2 for 1 Special)
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